
School Poster Compettion Winners, Thorney Island Primary School, Take a Tour of our Farm!


Winner of our school poster competition, Thorney Island Primary School, came for their organic farm visit on 13th July 2016. With 23 children and 5 teachers the day was sure to be eventful!

The Woodhorn Group General Manager, Cameron and our tractor driver kick-started the tour with a health and safety activity. The children were given sticker booklets, which was a great practical exercise to help them learn and guess the potential risks around a farm.

Afterwards everyone took a tractor trailer ride to our organic dairy farm. On the way we stopped to show the children our wheat and maize crops. We then arrived at the dairy farm in time for feeding, allowing the class to get close to the cows and to feed them. The children learnt about our dairy herd, took a tour of our dairy parlour and saw the milk tanker fill up.

Before we knew it, it was time for lunch and we headed back to our main site for the class to have their lunch on our fields, before starting our nature trail. The children were handed a booklet and magnifying container before they began the nature trail.

All the children sat behind the wheel of our tractor our combine harvester, before enjoying a refreshing organic milkshake. This is a great way to demonstrate the process of a dairy farm from start to finish – from cow to carton.

Cameron commented “school visits are a great way for children to learn the process of dairy farming in a hands-on environment and it was great that the children from Thorney Island Primary School were eager to learn and were excited to see everything”.

The Woodhorn Group farm tour is not only an enjoyable day out for any child, but it’s also a valuable learning experience.

If you would like for your school to come and visit then please get in touch on 01243 781730 and bring nature back into your classroom.

About the Author

Earth Cycle

Over the past 20 years, we’ve been delivering high-quality topsoil, composts, soil conditioner and mulches across the United Kingdom. With our roots in Hampshire and West Sussex, we are a team of gardening and allotment experts who love sharing our knowledge with others to help them create the perfect outdoor space.

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