Top Tips for Gardening in September
With the end of Summer upon upon us, and Autumn looming, it means the days are increasingly becoming shorter but also means your fruit and veg patch will be ripe for harvest. There are fewer sowings to do now, although some are crucial for later supplies.
Here’s a list of jobs to focus on this month:

September is the big harvest month, wand you’ll find that much of the produce you’ve been growing will now be ready to pick. Just make sure that you hve enough storage space! Summer salads courgettes, runner beans and cucumbers are still producing during autumn so keep up with the maintenance on these crops.
Here’s a list of produce to harvest in September:
Tomatoes should be ready for harvest but if they haven’t already ripened they will this month. If you have any green tomatoes, just remove the foliage blocking the sun so that they can ripen quicker.
If you’ve been growing onions, you can harvest these after the leaves turn yellow and the stems are bending over.
Make sure to pick any apples, pears and any other fruit before it drops to ground and is ruined or eaten by neighbouring wildlife!
If you haven’t already started, make sure you are picking your runner beans regularly.
Don’t forget to harvest the last of your potatoes before the slugs get to them. Your tubers will be ready to harvest when they’re around the size of a hen’s egg. Wait until your foliage is yellowing before cutting back, then after 10 days you can harvest them.
Courgettes can have a high yield, just make sure to keep an eye out and pick them while they’re small if necessary as they can turn into marrow’s over night.

Get ready to sow hardy annual flowers such as Cornflowers, Cerinthe’s and Scabiosa to get flowers blooming next summer.Between September and October is also the ideal time to plant Spring bulbs. We recommend Tulips, Lilly of the Valley and Puschkinia.
Strawberry Maintenance

Some varieties of Strawberries can keep producing late into the Autumn but if yours have stopped then it’s time to overhaul the existing beds and establish new ones. Make sure to cut back the foliage on your plants after harvesting, cut back younger plants that are fruiting and compost all your green waste. Give the shorn crowns a feeding to help them build up for next season and remember to refresh your mulching.
Pond netting

Cover any ponds with netting to stop fallen leaves getting in. This will save a lot of time when cleaning up leaves, especially if your pond is below any trees. This is also the time to remove any weeds and algae from your pond.