Our very own Managing Director John Pitts featured on local radio station, Spirit FM this week discussing environmental issues in our local area, the work we do at The Woodhorn Group and our fantastic new school poster competition – which is currently creating quite a buzz in schools across West Sussex.
John was interviewed by Spirit FM’s Kate Goddard, who is one of the judges for the competition alongside colleague Stuart McGinley; Jim Buckland, Head of Gardens at West Dean; Gloria Robinson of Tawny Nurseries and John himself.
The aim of the competition is to encourage school children to better understand compost, gardening and the effect they have on improving the environment. School children have been tasked with designing a poster depicting how compost is good for the garden; it can be drawn, painted, collaged or designed on a computer. The best designs in each age group will win a behind the scenes tour of our organic dairy farm and all the materials and support needed to build their own raised bed or vegetable patch for their school.