March is the time of year we see the start of spring, meaning longer days and hopefully nicer weather to open opportunities to start getting busy with your growing ventures. This article goes over 5 things you should consider doing throughout March that’ll benefit you in the long run.
Lawn Care

Begin to mow any lawn on a high setting once a week and reseed or overseed. prepare any lawn for the Spring and Summer by scarifying to remove any thatch and aerate the surface by spiking with a garden fork, this will allow the air to get to the root system, thus encouraging strong healthy root growth. For a more detailed post on how to maintain your lawn can be found here.
New Beds

If you’re starting a patch for the first time, dig your compost into your plot ready to seed. Sow hardy annuals (such as sweet peas and Borage), and fast growing perrenials including Dahlias. You can also sow most Brassicas, Beetroot, Lettuce, Parsnips, Radish and Kale. Plant first early potatoes from chitting and any Strawberry plants.
Weed your patch

Getting on top of your weed control now will make your life easier going through the year. Hoe regularly to stop weed seedlings from cultivating and becoming a bigger problem.
Feed Cabbages & Fruit

March is a good time to feed your cabbages and fruit a nitrogen rich manure. If you haven’t planted any fruit or lettuce yet, then March is the best time of the year to sow those seeds.

Use mulch beds and borders to help maintain surface temperature and suppress weeds. Using Earth Cycle Compost Mulch, Ornamental Bark, or Woodland Mulch would be a good place to start.