If you have clay soil, you might be keen to understand how it can be improved and enriched, so that you can grow your chosen plants successfully. Although clay soil can’t be fundamentally altered, you can make significant improvements by adding some good quality, peat-free material and concentrating your gardening on specific times of the year.
In our latest helpful blog, we’ll cover the basics of clay soil, how you can garden successfully in it, how to improve clay soil and the right plants for clay soil.
Let’s dig in!
What is clay soil?
Clay soil is made up of very small mineral particles which cling together making the ground both hard and ‘sticky’, with little or no drainage.
Testing your soil can be as simple as picking up a handful and squeezing it; if, when wet, your soil feels sticky and dense, and can be rolled into shapes which hold their form, then you have clay-based soil. Don’t panic though, clay soils tend to be rich in the nutrients required for plants to grow well so with some improvement, can make good garden material.

Gardening in clay soil
Clay soil is much heavier to dig, and any water will drain slowly but some plants will thrive in these conditions and there are things you can do to help their success.
The traditional problem with clay soil is that it will bake hard in the summer months and become waterlogged during the winter, so choosing your plants and their locations carefully will help you maintain a happy and healthy garden.
Top tips for gardening in clay soil
- Do any digging in the spring or autumn when the ground hasn’t become too hard or too wet.
- During these periods dig in plenty of peat-free compost and apply mulches.
- Plant in spring or autumn so that the ground is workable and roots have a chance to ‘settle’ before dry or wet periods.
- Think about introducing raised beds to help with drainage.
- Try not to walk over the ground too much as this will compact the clay particles.
Improving clay soil
Here are some nice and easy tips on how to improve clay soil in your garden:
- Digging in plenty of peat-free compost, horticultural grit and layering with mulches will all help improve the structure of your soil. In the spring, a thick layer of mulch will help retain moisture and prevent the clay baking and cracking in the summer sun. Aim for two to four inches of mulch in depth.
- Whenever you plant something new, double the size of the hole and dig in more peat-free material and grit to improve the area directly around the new item.
- Don’t be tempted to add any sand to your clay soil – you will essentially be creating concrete!

Plants for clay soil
Plants thrive in lots of different types of soil, and as mentioned, it’s not all doom and gloom if you have clay soil. There are some great plants for clay soil, so planting these species and using our tips for improvement will give you the best chance of a happy garden.
Trees will grow particularly well in this environment, including fruit trees. Consider any of the following:
- Acer (Japanese Maple)
- Silver Birch
- Eucalyptus
- Crab Apple
- Hawthorn
- Shrub Roses, Hydrangeas, and Hardy Geraniums will all grow happily in these conditions as will Buddleia, Alchemilla Molis and Viburnum.
Vegetables can also be successfully harvested from clay soils and those with shallow roots such as lettuce, beans and brassicas will enjoy the conditions and nutrients offered.
Spring bulbs may be a struggle in very heavy soil as they may rot during the wet winter months so consider planting these in a pot. Snowdrops and Camassias however will be fine in the ground.
Earth Cycle products for clay soil improvement
Our bulk bags of peat-free Soil Conditioners, Composts and Mulches are the perfect choice to improve your clay soil. Order your bulk back online today for free delivery and we can offer free curbside delivery across the UK.